Live exchange rates

Currency converter

Check live foreign exchange rates, then use Revolut to convert money when the price is right for you.

Converted to
Our current rate€1 = £0.8523
No fees€0.00
Get startedExchange rates are dynamic. Always remember to check the applicable rate in-app before carrying out your exchange

How the Revolut currency converter works

See how much your money’s worth in other currencies at the Revolut exchange rate. Calculate conversions for most major currencies above. Then go to the Revolut app to exchange 36 currencies.

  1. 1
    Choose a currency

    Pick a currency you’d like to view our rates in.

  2. 2
    Add the amount

    Type in how much you want to send or convert.

  3. 3
    Check the rate

    Our currency converter calculator will show you the Revolut exchange rate.

Sending money abroad? Check live rates first

Then download the Revolut app to send money abroad, from Toronto to Tokyo. Fees may apply.

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Exchange 36 currencies

After you've checked our competitive rates with the currency converter, use the Revolut app to exchange and keep 36 currencies, or send 70+ around the world.Convert money
Exchange 36 currencies

Where else could you...

Send money abroad at a low cost in 36 currencies. Is that how your provider does international money transfers? Didn't think so.

3 ways to convert currencies with Revolut

Exchanging currencies? You choose how.

Popular currency conversions

Check out our customers’ favourite and most common currency conversions.

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